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AIIMS Jodhpur Pioneers Advanced Cancer Care in Western Rajasthan!
IIMS Jodhpur achieves a historic milestone with its first Autologous Stem Cell Transplant, eliminating the need for long-distance travel for critical treatment. This breakthrough strengthens India's specialized cancer care, aligning with the vision of MoHFW_INDIA to expand high-quality healthcare.
A testament to our commitment to setting new benchmarks in medical excellence. Kudos to our dedicated doctors, nurses, and support staff for making this a reality!
#WorldCancerDay पर एम्स जोधपुर में कैंसर जागरूकता कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया।
विशेषज्ञों ने बताया – कैंसर से डरने की नहीं, समय पर जांच और सही इलाज की जरूरत है। एम्स जोधपुर में आधुनिक सर्जरी, कीमोथेरेपी, इम्यूनोथेरेपी व रेडिएशन की सभी सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं।
तंबाकू, गुटखा, सिगरेट से दूर रहें – ये कई तरह के कैंसर का कारण बन सकते हैं।
स्तन में किसी भी गांठ को नज़रअंदाज न करें, समय पर डॉक्टर से जांच करवाएं।
Celebrating the 76th Republic Day at AIIMS Jodhpur with immense pride and gratitude!
This day honors the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and the unwavering dedication of our soldiers who guard our borders under all conditions.
AIIMS Jodhpur is proud to lead the way in healthcare excellence—from groundbreaking transplants to pioneering digital health initiatives. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to a Nasha Mukt Bharat, empowering youth for a drug-free, brighter future.
As we salute the soldiers, freedom fighters, and every citizen driving India's progress, we pledge to strive for new heights, making India one of the top nations globally. Together, let's build a stronger, healthier, and brighter tomorrow.
AIIMS Jodhpur revolutionizes healthcare with the launch of an indigenous Anesthesia Information Management System!
A step towards paperless, efficient, and research-driven medical care under #DigitalIndia. Enhancing patient care, saving time, and protecting the environment!
AIIMS Jodhpur celebrated its Second Research Day to promote innovation and research. Dr. Rajiv Bahl, DG, ICMR & Secretary DHR delivered a keynote address on enhancing research quality in India.
Executive Director Prof. G.D. Puri emphasized fostering a research culture, while Dr. Tanuj Kanchan presented the institution’s annual research achievements. Faculty, departments, and students were honoured for their contributions. MedTech companies & various institutions showcased their innovations.
On the occasion of First World Meditation Day, with the inspiration of honorable Executive Director Dr G D Puri and under the guidance of Medical Superintendent Dr Mahesh Devnani, Department of Ayush, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur has organized Yoga Competition to bring awareness among Faculty/Group A, residents, students and staff on 21 st Dec 2024 from 12.00 to 2.00 pm. All Students including MBBS, Nursing and Allied health sciences participated in the competition. Faculty and group A officers from various departments took part in competition.
Dr Shilpi Gupta Dixit, Dean Academics addressed the gathering and encouraged the participants for competition and highlighted the importance of meditation and yoga.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Senior Medical Officer, Dr Meenakshi Sharma and Master of ceremony was done by Medical Officer Yoga, Dr Deepa Shukla.
On this event, Mindfulness meditation session was taken by Dr Deepa Shukla, Medical Officer Yoga for all participants and audience.
A day of transformative insights! From Dr. G.D. Puri's One Health vision connecting human-animal-plant wellness to ISRO's groundbreaking space technology in healthcare, India's medical innovation reaches new frontiers. Medical experts from all over India map innovative paths to comprehensive wellness, with national leadership recognizing medical excellence.
Hon’ble Vice-President, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar presided over 64th Convocation of National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) at AIIMS, Jodhpur in Rajasthan.
Empowering action against AMR! AIIMS Jodhpur celebrated #WAAW2024 with an impactful session on AMR awareness, graced by Prof. G. D. Puri (Executive Director), Dr. Mahesh Devnani (Medical Superintendent), & Dr. Suresh Sharma (CNO).
Expert insights by Dr. Vibhor Tak, Dr. G. K. Bohra, Dr. Surjit Singh, Dr. D. S. Meena, & Dr. Deepak Kumar illuminated the path forward. Together, we stand for antimicrobial stewardship!
AIIMSJodhpur launches Vigilance Awareness Week 2024, promoting a "Culture of Integrity for Nation's Prosperity." Prof. Goverdhan Dutt Puri led the Integrity Pledge to inspire a corruption-free lifestyle.
Events include competitions, quizzes, cyclothon & more! Grievance Redressal Camp on Oct 29 for open communication. Together, Let’s build transparency and accountability!
एम्स जोधपुर ने सफलतापूर्वक मनाया सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2024!
इस सप्ताह ने #IntegrityMatters को केंद्र में रखकर ईमानदारी, पारदर्शिता और जवाबदेही के महत्व को मजबूत किया। एकजुट होकर, हम राष्ट्र की समृद्धि के लिए नैतिकता की संस्कृति को बढ़ावा दे रहे हैं।
AIIMS Jodhpur had the privilege of hosting Shri Apurva Chandra, IAS, Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, along with Smt. Ankita Mishra Bundela, IAS, Joint Secretary, and Shri Vijay Kumar Sinha, IAS, Joint Secretary. They toured key hospital facilities, inaugurated the new Skill Lab & ART Centre, interacted with MedTech students of a joint program and chaired a meeting to discuss future healthcare projects.
AIIMS Jodhpur draws renewed energy and inspiration from this visit to continue its efforts with even greater Vigor!
On World Patient Safety Day 2024, AIIMS Jodhpur illuminated its hospital in orange to highlight the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis for patient safety.
A Speech & Reel Competition on "Patient Safety in the ICU" saw enthusiastic participation from our nursing students and staff, showcasing their creativity and dedication to ensuring safe care in critical settings.
Together, we strive for safer healthcare for all !
एम्स जोधपुर में 17-23 सितंबर तक "फार्माकोविजिलेंस सप्ताह" का आयोजन
दवाओं से होने वाले दुष्प्रभावों के प्रति जागरूक हों और उनकी रिपोर्टिंग को बढ़ावा दें! आपकी रिपोर्टिंग से दवाओं का सुरक्षित उपयोग सुनिश्चित किया जा सकता है।
थीम: "रोगी सुरक्षा के लिए एडीआर रिपोर्टिंग संस्कृति का निर्माण" टोल-फ्री नंबर: 18001803024
Join us on 17th Sept 2024, 11:00 AM as we celebrate more than a decade of healthcare and academic excellence!
Witness the awarding of 37 Director's Medals and 88 Gold Medals to top achievers!
The institute looks forward to host Padma Bhushan Dr. K.K. Talwar former Director PGIMER Chandigarh as Cheif Guest and Dr. S.S. Agarwal, President AIIMS Jodhpur as Guest of Honour!
Let's recognize the best in medical and nursing education!
Congratulations to all the medalists being honored on AIIMS Jodhpur’s 13th Foundation Day! Your dedication and academic excellence is truly inspiring.
With 37 Director's Medals and 88 Gold Medals being awarded, we celebrate the brightest minds shaping the future of medicine.
Special thanks to our esteemed guests for gracing the occasion.
AIIMS Jodhpur family extends to its fellow country men, best wishes on 78th Independence day!!Executive Director Prof. Govardhan Dutt Puri led three heartfelt 'Jai Hinds'—for patients, soldiers and their families, and our dedicated resident doctors.
India's leap to the 5th largest GDP, exciting strides in patient care and path breaking future plans with expression of gratitude to our dedicated teams....highlighted his address.Jai Hind!
"The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all."
Inauguration of the New Academic Session for Postgraduate Students, July 2024 Batch!
New beginnings at AIIMS Jodhpur! The July 2024 batch was inaugurated with an inspiring address by Chief Guest Prof. Vivek Lal, Director of PGIMER Chandigarh, who highlighted the importance of dedication, innovation, commitment and compassion in healthcare.
Guest of Honor Prof. Vineet Ahuja spoke on the challenges and rewards of residency life, while Executive Director Prof. G.D. Puri emphasized the institute’s transformative strides in healthcare.
The ceremony also featured AIIMS Jodhpur's first-ever pin-up ceremony, marking a symbolic and memorable start to the postgraduate journey. With cutting-edge facilities and a commitment to holistic healing, AIIMS Jodhpur is shaping the future of medicine.
Exciting strides in medical innovation at the Medical Innovation and Biomedical Instrumentation workshop hosted by AIIMS Jodhpur!
Esteemed experts & dignitaries explored cutting-edge technologies like AI/ML applications and cancer therapies, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship.
Key collaborations with IIT Jodhpur, IIT Ropar, and PGIMER Chandigarh made the workshop a big success.
“कॉर्निया, हृदय, फेफड़े, लीवर और किडनी दान करके एक व्यक्ति मृत्यु के बाद भी कई लोगों को जीवन दान दे सकता है”
"अंगदान जनजागरूकता अभियान"! जुलाई माह को अंगदान जागरूकता माह के रूप में मनाते हुए, एम्स जोधपुर में पोस्टर प्रतियोगिता, नुक्कड़ नाटक और जागरूकता कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए गए।
आइए, अंगदान के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ाएं और जीवन बचाएं!
Honouring Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy's legacy, AIIMS Jodhpur celebrates doctors as epitomes of "Healing Hands, Caring Hearts". Executive Director Dr. G.D. Puri highlighted the importance of listening to patient's concerns and showing empathy.
This National Doctor’s Day, we pledge to support our doctors in delivering excellence in healthcare and advancing medical research. Thank you to our dedicated medical professionals for their selfless service and commitment to society.
२५ जून २०२४ को एम्स जोधपुर के चर्म रोग विभाग में विश्व विटिलिगो दिवस मनाया गया. इस वर्ष विश्व विटिलिगो दिवस का थीम था "ट्रीटिंग स्किन, हीलिंग माइंडस" मतलब "बिमारी का भी इलाज और मन का भी इलाज". विभाग ने इस अवसर पर सफेद दाग के रोगियों के मन पर होने वाले दुष्प्रभावों पर प्रकाश डाला. इस बीमारी में समाज में व्याप्त भ्रांतियों से रोगी और परिवार डरते हैं इस बात को समझते हुए इन गैरमुनासिब भ्रांतियों को तोड़ने की कोशिश की गयी. ओ पी डी में महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियों लिखा एक पोस्टर लगाया गया. वहीँ टी वी स्क्रीन्स पर वीडियो और स्लाइड्स भी चलाईं गयीं. बीमारी की रोज़मर्रा से जुड़े सवाल जवाबों पर आधारित एक पैम्फलेट को भी आम जनता में जागरूकता के लिए बांटा गया. वहीँ मौजूद मरीज़ों और तीमारदारों से बीमारी की इस बार की थीम से जुड़े सवालों के जवाब दिए गए. जागरूकता के लिए ही विटिलिगो से समबन्धित बैंगनी रंग का रिबन भी वितरित किया गया. विभाग से सभी फैकल्टी एवं रेसिडेंट्स ने मिलकर इस अवसर पर एक वीडियो भी बनाया जिसमे विटिलिगो के उपचार एवं उपचार की सफलता के लिए स्वस्थ्य मन की महत्ता पर ज़ोर डाला गया.इस पूरे कार्यक्रम को विभाग की और से विभागाध्यक्ष डॉ. अभिषेक भारद्वाज, डॉ. सौरभ सिंह, डॉ. अनिल बुडानिया, डॉ. अनुपमा बैंस और डॉ. सुमन पात्रा के अलावा रेसिडेंट्स डॉ. शुभम, डॉ. एकता, डॉ. रौशन, डॉ. दिप्रा, डॉ. नाज़नीन, डॉ. देबदत्ता, डॉ. मोनिशा, डॉ. बेनेट्टा, डॉ. नागभूषण एवं डॉ. सब्यसाची ने योगदान दिया.
On June 25, 2024, World Vitiligo Day was celebrated in the Department of Dermatology, AIIMS Jodhpur. This year the theme of World Vitiligo Day was “Treating Skin, Healing Minds” meaning “Treating the disease as well as treating the mind”. On this occasion, the department highlighted the ill effects of vitiligo on the mind of patients. Understanding that the patients and their families are afraid of the misconceptions prevalent in the society regarding this disease, efforts were made to break these unreasonable misconceptions.
A poster with important information was put up in OPD. Videos and slides were also played on TV screens. A pamphlet based on everyday questions and answers related to the disease was also distributed to create awareness among the general public. Questions related to this year's theme of the disease were answered by the patients and attendants present there. Purple ribbon related to vitiligo was also distributed for awareness.
All the faculty and residents of the department together made a video on this occasion in which the importance of a healthy mind was emphasized for the success of the treatment and cure of vitiligo. The entire program was inaugurated on behalf of the department by Dr. Abhishek Bhardwaj, Head of the Department, and faculty members Dr. Saurabh Singh, Dr. Anil Budania, Dr. Anupama Bains and Dr. Suman Patra, residents and staff including Dr. Shubham, Dr. Ekta, Dr. Roshan, Dr. Dipra, Dr. Nazneen, Dr. Debdatta, Dr. Monisha, Dr. Bennetta, Dr. Nagabhushan and Dr. Sabyasachi also contributed.
Honored to have our Executive Director lead the International Day of Yoga 2024 celebrations at AIIMS Jodhpur! His participation and leadership inspire us all to embrace the path of health and mindfulness.
From beginners to seasoned practitioners, everyone at AIIMS Jodhpur is embracing the spirit of yoga today. Happy International Day of Yoga 2024!
Health and wellness for all! Each member of the institute, from security department to engineering, students to faculty, ancillary services and administration at AIIMS Jodhpur participated in the celebration of a healthy living on International Yoga day under guidance of Department of Ayush! Congratulations to all for making a move to a better way of life.
एम्स जोधपुर में स्त्री एवम प्रसूति रोग विभाग ने विश्व थैलेसीमिया दिवस पर जन जागरूकता कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया। थैलेसीमिया के ख़तरों से लोगों को अवगत कराया। थैलेसीमिया मुक्त भविष्य की ओर एक कदम और बढ़ाने का संकल्प। जानिए, कैसे थैलेसीमिया बीमारी बच्चों के जीवन को प्रभावित कर सकती है और इससे बचाव के उपाय।
Addiction Treatment Facility (ATF) supported by @MSJEGOI, @NMBA_MSJE and @nddtc_aiims was inaugurated today at AIIMS Jodhpur. The ATF will provide much needed evidence based, comprehensive services to the patients with substance use.
4th Convocation on Saturday, 03rd February 2024 At AIIMS, Jodhpur Auditorium
It was the moment to cherish when students of AIIMS Jodhpur were awarded gold medals on their achievements by Chief Guest hon'ble Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya. He was joined by hon'ble CM Rajasthan Shri Bhajanlal Sharma, Union Minister for Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, State Health Minister Shri Gajendra Singh Khimsar, Rajya Sabha member Shri Rajendra Gehlot. Our President Dr S S Agarwal & ED Dr Madhabananda Kar were also among those who felicitated the meritorious students. AIIMS Jodhpur faculty, students and staff echoed the prevailing sentiments.
AIIMS Jodhpur hosted the globally acclaimed Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and the team of "Art of Living" for an enlightening evening of spirituality & peace. Spirited activities and a lively discussion with Gurudev on the significance of spiritual wisdom in modern healthcare landscape left audience spellbound. Welcomed by institute’s president Dr S.S.Agarwal & ED Dr. Madhabananada Kar, MoU was signed with "aolresearch" for integrative medicine research.
Research that enhances the optimal, affordable care through locally relevant best practices based on scientific evidences attracting global community & generation Z for collaboration needs acknowledgment. AIIMS Jodhpur is having the ‘Research Day’ celebration on 13 Jan!
“स्वच्छता ही सेवा” के अंतर्गत एम्स जोधपुर परिवार के समस्त जनों नें स्वच्छता के लिए “श्रम दान” किया। डीन अकादमिक डॉ कुलदीप, डीडीए श्री मनु मनीष गुप्ता, अस्पताल अधीक्षक डॉ गर्ग, डीन परीक्षा, अनुसंधान, फैकल्टी, विद्यार्थीओं, नर्सिंग एवं कर्मचारियों के साथ आम जन की जोश पूर्ण भागीदारी जोधपुर शहर, माँ अमृता देवी उद्यान जोधपुर के अतरिक्त केरु, धबा एवं पाण्डुरी गाँव, अबू रोड से भी अंकित हुई।
Click here for more details: Various cleanliness events conducted by faculties of AIIMS Jodhpur
AIIMS Jodhpur celebrated #WorldHeartDay. A marathon was flagged to promote healthy living, followed by CPR training. Nursing students staged a street play for public awareness. A beautiful rangoli to emphasise the World Heart Day and a public awareness lecture on driving value of prevention and indication for bypass surgery were held.
एम्स जोधपुर 14 सितंबर को हिंदी दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में हिंदी पखवाडे का आयोजन करने जा रहा है। हिंदी दिवस (14 सितंबर) को संस्थान के कार्यकारी निदेशक महोदय डॉ. माधबानंद कर द्वारा संस्थान के कार्मिकों को हिंदी दिवस की बधाई देने एवं हिंदी में कार्य करने हेतु अपील जारी करने के साथ ही संस्थान में हिंदी पखवाड़े का शुभारंभ हो जाएगा।
संस्थान के कार्मिकों को हिंदी में कार्य करने के लिए प्रेरणा, प्रोत्साहन, एवं ऊर्जा से परिपूर्ण करने के लिए हिंदी पखवाड़े के दौरान विभिन्न हिंदी प्रतियोगिताओं यथा हिंदी निबंध, हिंदी टंकण, हिंदी आशुभाषण, स्वरचित हिंदी काव्यपाठ, हिंदी वाद-विवाद, अंग्रेजी से हिंदी में अनुवाद, हिंदी कहानी लेखन, हिंदी टिप्पण एवं प्रारुपण एवं हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया जाएगा। विभिन्न हिंदी प्रतियोगिताओं में विजेता प्रतिभागियों को कार्यकारी निदेशक महोदय डॉ. माधबानंद कर द्वारा प्रशस्ति-पत्र एवं नकद पुरस्कार प्रदान कर सम्मानित किया जाएगा।
Union Health Secretary Shri Sudhansh Pant, IAS, visited AIIMS Jodhpur, reviewed the progress of the institute, took rounds of the hospital and ongoing projects, interacted with faculty members, residents and students.
Glimpses of 11th Foundation Day Celebrations & award ceremony for sports festival ‘TEJAS’ & ‘Chandrayaan Mahotsav’ in Auditorium on 17 September 2023. Institute also witnessed gathering of MBBS 2012. & 2013 batches for 1st Alumni Meet.
It was a wonderful meeting of first MBBS batch of 2012 on 1st Alumni Meeting on 16-17 September 2023. AIIMS Jodhpur family wish them success in all their endeavours!
4th Live Surgical & Hands-On Cadaveric Dissection Course on Head and Neck Surgery and Rhinoplasty & Facial Aesthetics organised by ENT & Department of Anatomy, AIIMS Jodhpur. Participants honed their skills & learnt intricacies
AIIMS Jodhpur welcome President, Dr. S S Agarwal, past IMA President on his 1st institute visit. Felicitated by ED Dr. Madhabananada Kar & DDA Manumanish Gupta. Appreciating institute journey presented by Dr. kuldeep Singh, exhorted faculty for excellence.
AIIMS Jodhpur is part of One-Health consortium of India, built on unifying concept of inter-relationship between humans, animals & environment. Faculty & MedTech students participated in an event organised by IIT Jodhpur.
A 2-day CME by Indian Society of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery is being organised by department of Neurosurgery. Prof BS Sharma has kindly consented to be Chief Guest. Notably, institute is leading in epilepsy & movement disorders surgeries.
College of Nursing organised Audiovisual Aids exhibition as part of MSc Nursing curricular activities to familiarise all the students with audiovisual aids that may be used in nursing education.
Best healthcare banks on quality of care. To further improve quality in diagnostics, AIIMS Jodhpur is training all lab professionals on Internal Audit (IA) & Quality Management System (QMS). 1st Batch : 18th to 21st July, 2023 | 2nd Batch : 26th to 29th July, 2023
Telemedicine for Tribal: Glimpse of Teleconsultations provided by the Dept. of Endocrinology &Metabolism at Satellite Centre for Tribal Health & Research, Abu Road, Sirohi, Rajasthan. STHR is supported by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs,Govt. of India.
Elderly people needs respectful management of their long term conditions is the theme of "Training of Medical Officers for Comprehensive Geriatric Care" being organized at AIIMS Jodhpur
एम्स जोधपुर के निश्चेतना एवं गहन चिकित्सा विभाग द्वारा 6 और 7 मई को दो दिवसीय कार्यशाला "एक्युट न्युरो केयर (एएनसी)” का आयोजन किया गया। 6 मई शनिवार को कार्यशाला का उद्घाटन संस्थान के कार्यकारी निदेशक " डा० माधबानंद कर" द्वारा किया गया।इस अवसर पर डीन (शैक्षणिक) डॉक्टर कुलदीप सिंह भी उपस्थित थे | इस कार्यशाला में दिल्ली एवं चण्डीगढ़ से आए विशेषज्ञों ने दिमाग एवं रीढ़ की हड्डी की चोट एवं मस्तिष्क घात (स्ट्रोक) का इमरजेंसी एवं सधन चिकित्सा उपचार की नवीनतम तकनीको से अवगत कराया। इस कार्यशाला मे देश भर से करीबन 50 प्रतिभागीयो ने भाग लिया। कोर्स डायरेक्टर डॉ सौरभ आनन्द (आर्टेमिस अस्पताल दिल्ली) ने बताया की इन तकनीको को अपनाने से कई बहुमुल्य जानो को बचाया जा सकता है। दिल्ली एम्स से आए डॉ केशव गोयल मे दुर्घटना मैं दिमागी रक्ततस्राव की स्थिति मैं मरीजों के उपचार के तरीके समझाए | डॉ नीरज कुमार (एम्स दिल्ली), डॉ निश्चिन्त जैन (अपोलो दिल्ली), डॉ किरण जांगड़ा (पीजीआई चण्डीगढ़) ने भी कार्यशाला में अपने व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत कीए | इस कार्यशाला में एम्स जोधपुर के निश्चेतना विभाग, न्यूरो सर्जरी न्यूरोलॉजी एवं इंटरवेंशनल और डायग्नोस्टिक रेडियोलॉजी विभागों ने अपना योगदान दिया| इस कार्यशाला के अध्यक्ष डा. प्रदीप भाटीया व सचिव डा. स्वाति छाबड़ा ने कार्यक्रम का विवरण दिया| कार्यशाला के प्रथम दिन सिर एवम रीड़ की हड्डी की चोट के नवीनतम इलाज के बारे में बताया गया। कार्यशाला के दूसरे दिन मिर्गी के दौरे, दिमाग का सक्रमण इत्यादि विषयो पर प्रतिभागीयो को प्रशिक्षित किया गया। एम्स जोधपुर के निश्चेतना एवं गहन चिकित्सा विभाग के डा. मनोज कमल डा. सादिक मोहम्मद, डा. भरत पालीवाल, डा. राकेश कुमार, डा. कमलेश कुमारी, डा. मनबीर कोर, न्यूरो सर्जरी विभाग के डा. मयंक गर्ग, डा. विकास जानू, न्यूरोलॉजी विभाग के डा. सम्हिता पांडा, डा. सुचरिता आनंद एवं इंटरवेंशनल और डायग्नोस्टिक रेडियोलॉजी विभाग के डा सर्वेश तिवारी ने कार्यशाला में अपना योगदान दिया|
1. Workshop on correct use of Personal Protective Equipment
A workshop was conducted for training the staff nurses, ward boys and other health care workers for the correct use of Personal Protective equipment. This was attended enthusiastically and had good participation by the members. The persons were trained on the correct methods of donning and using the personal protective equipment. They was also made aware of the universal precautions that are to be followed in all cases and whenever a patient is being handled.
2. Signage and Checklists
A focused inspection of the signage and checklists after installation was performed by a team constituted by AIIMS Jodhpur. They went into the adequacy and satisfactory nature of -
a. informational signage in the outpatient department
b. Directional Signage in OPD
c. Biomedical Waste signage at the point of generation of BMW including OPD, IPD, and ICU's and operation theaters.
d.Housekeeping checklists in bathrooms and toilets and the standards of cleanliness.
3. Housekeeping Star Performers
Best Housekeeping staff of the AIIMS Hospital has been identified and appreciated by putting up the names and photographs on the notice board.
Swachhta Awareness Marathon Run
A Marathon run was organized to raise awareness about Swachhta and cleanliness in AIIMS Jodhpur on 14th April at 6:00 AM. Faculty Members, officers, engineers, nursing officers, students, guards and other staff enthusiastically participated in the Marathon Run. T- Shirts and Caps were also distributed to the participants. Deputy Director, Mr NR Bishnoi, addressed the participants and informed about the need for maintaining cleanliness.
Speech Competition on "Promoting Innovative Implementable ideas about Swachh Bharat"
A speech competition was organized at AIIMS Jodhpur on 13th April in lecture theater one. The topic of the same was "Promoting Innovative Implementable ideas about Swachh Bharat". It was open for all the staff, students and faculty members of AIIMS Jodhpur. It garnered enthusiastic support and more than 20 participants participated in the speech competition. The speakers came up with various innovative ideas about how swachhta could be promoted and popularized. The best ideas were identified and the participants were given prizes.
Condemnation Committee Meeting
As part of the Swachhta Pakhwada, a condemnation committee meeting was done in the central stores of AIIMS Jodhpur. All the old instruments and linen were inspected and damaged items were categorized at Condemned. These were later disposed as per protocols. This allows for a cleaner hospital complex and contributes immensely to cleanliness and swachhta.
Swachhta Pledge by AIIMS Jodhpur
A collective Swachhta Pledge was taken by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur on 11th April at 11 AM. The pledge was administered by Director, AIIMS Jodhpur, Dr Sanjeev Misra. It was attended by faculty members, administrative officers, staff nurses, ward boys, security guards and housekeeping staff. More than 200 people attended the swachhta pledge.
School Awareness Session with Slogan Writing Competition
To spread awareness among people towards cleanliness practices School of Public Health AIIMS, Jodhpur under “Swacch Bharat Pakhwada” organized series of sensitization programs. These programs were organized at school and hospital to make the community aware about the importance of a clean India and clean neighborhood.
On 9th of April, 2018 MPH students of SPH, AIIMS carried out an awareness session at Mahaveer Public School, Police Line, Jodhpur. The session was carried out in form of a slogan writing competition for the children of classes 9th and 10th followed by a presentation on correct and incorrect practices regarding “Swacchta” in form of a pictorial quiz. Students were explained about the benefits of hand wash using with soap. Proper method of hand washing before eating and after using toilets was also demonstrated to them. Inspiration videos to raise a moral sense of responsibility towards their surroundings and society were displayed in front of the students. The program was made interactive with rewards and reinforcements as a mode of appreciating good behavior and practices already existing amongst the children. To conclude, top 5 slogans were also awarded appreciation.
Nukkad Natak - Street Play in OPD
On 10th of April, 2018, sensitization was carried out in form of a ‘nukkad natak’ in the Out Patient Department of AIIMS Jodhpur to create awareness amongst the patients and local community. The nukkad natak addressed certain common problems such as improper hand washing, subconscious habits of littering public places, defaming monuments by writing on walls etc. Messages were conveyed to the people gathered in the OPD in local language in an attractive enactment by the students to provide better understanding of the facts. The enactments were well received by the audience with huge appreciation. Two posters were also pasted by the School of Public Health in the OPD Hall to provide reinforcements and further aid in spreading awareness.
The programs concluded with teaching the patients hand washing technique and asked to pledge for cleanliness thus creating a better cleaner, “SWACCH” India. Patients and attendees willingly participated in pledge taking, making the sensitization program a success.
Newspaper Coverage of Swachhta Activity
Dainik Bhaskar also covered the Patient Awareness Program (Street Play) in the OPD Block of AIIMS Hospital. This serves to create wider awareness among the general public about both the swachtta pakhwada and the importance of incorporating a clean life style in their lives.
A copy of the clipping is also attached.
To add to the series of activities organized under the celebration of Swacchta Pakhwada, a role play was organized by Nursing Students of AIIMS, Jodhpur on the theme “स्वच्छता एक ज़िम्मेदारी : सबकी हो भागीदारी” at the main OPD lobby of AIIMS, Jodhpur on 9th April 2018 at 12.15 noon. The role play by the students focused on the thought that cleanliness is not only the responsibility of the government or local administration but it is the responsibility of all the citizens of the country. Nursing Students embodied the idea of shared responsibility in maintenance of cleanliness and also showed the right techniques of disposal of biodegradable and recyclable waste. The audience which mainly comprised of the patient attenders and visitors was moved by the message and motivated to maintain the cleanliness of the hospital as well as their surroundings.
Creation of Swachhta Banner on Website of AIIMS Jodhpur:
To promote and pledge towards Swachhta and cleanliness, AIIMS Jodhpur has created a Swachhta Banner and Link on its front page. It signifies the support that AIIMS Jodhpur gives towards this noble mission. It also serves as a reminder of our pledge to create a clean and swachh campus.
Upload of day wise swachhta activity Report on the official website of AIIMS Jodhpur
Day wise activities of Swachhta Pakhwada is being uploaded along with the report and the photographs. This serves to push the institute towards maintaining a clean and swachh campus.
Creation and installation of banners on main hospital gates
Swachhta Pakhwada banners have been placed on prominent places around the campus like OPD and Emergency Entrances to inform people about the swachhta Pakhwada bing organized at AIIMS Jodhpur. This serves to educate and inform the lay people about the importance of cleanliness and also to bring any complaints like swachtta to the notice of the Hospital Authorities to allow for corrective measures.
Poster Competition for School Students for Swachhta Pakhwada:
A poster competition was held for School Students for Swachhta Pakhwada. This was held in four government schools in Jodhpur town. They were made aware of Swachhta Pakhwada and the necessity of cleanliness in maintaining health. We received participation from more than 150 students. they were made posters about maintaing cleanliness and about the Swachhta Pakhwada.
The best posters were chosen from among the posters and displayed at Medical Superintendent Office and OPD at AIIMS Jodhpur on 7th Apr 2018.
Various faculty members, staff and workers appreciated the posters and commented about the talent of our your generation.
A public awareness messages were displayed on television screens across the hospital about Swachtta Pakhwada and the necessary requirement for maintaing cleanliness around the campus and hospital.
A sensitization program for the Hospital Staff was organized in the OPD complex on 5thh April by the Department of Microbiology. There was an enthusiastic participation from all the participants with a good interaction and questions. The program included the basis tenets of cleanliness of house and hospital, personal cleanliness, segregation of waste at source and the importance of maintaining cleanliness all round.
Solid waste management rules 2016 were laid down by Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change. These were published in the Union Gazette of India on 8th April 2016 and superseded the Solid waste management rules laid down in 2000.
A situation program was undertaken for the faculty members by the Microbiology department. The finer points of waste management was discussed. They also discussed the importance of segregation at source along with the importance of maintaining cleanliness.
It was attended by more than 35 faculty members of Aiims Jodhpur. More than 45 nursing officers also attended the program. This was followed by a very interactive session and discussion.
As part of the Information,education and Communication (IEC) initiative for the Swachhta Pakhwada at AIIMS Jodhpur. A list of eposters were created by Medical Superintendent office of AIIMS Jodhpur. These were displayed at various locations around the hospital on television screens as e-posters. The display locations were -
1. OPD Registration Counters
2. IEC Corner of OPD
3. Waiting Areas in OPD blocks
4. IPD Wards
This helped to further the knowledge about cleanliness and hygiene among both the patients and their attendants along with the doctors.
A review of the best Housekeeping Staff was done from the AIIMS Jodhpur Hospital. A list of 10 best housekeeping staff was established and the prized were distributed to the staff.
A prize of Rs 2000 was given to the first Prize winner, Rs 1500 for the second prize winner and Rs 1000 for the third prize winner.
7 Additional consolation prized were also distributed to the Housekeeping staff with a cash prize of Rs 500/- each to every member.
They were given by the Director AIIMS Jodhpur in a ceremony which was attended by more than 75 people.
Director AIIMS Jodhpur also congratulated the staff members and told them about the importance of Swachhta Pakhwada and its role in maintenance of health.
Shramdaan - The Swachtta Pakhwada was flagged off with Shramdaan by faculty members, staff, residents, officers of AIIMS Jodhpur. All the staff of AIIMS Jodhpur collected at the OPD block and engaged in cleaning of the OPD BUilding including sweeping of the roads, collecting the garbage, collecting litter etc. More than 100 people voluntarily contributed to the above activity. The activity was well covered in press and the press clips and photographs of the activity are attached.
Tobacco control as part of Swachtta Pakhwada - A joint meeting was organised by AIIMS, Jodhpur, VoTV (Voice of Tobacco Victims) and Sambandh Health Foundation at AIIMS, Jodhpur on 1st April, 2018 on the occasion of starting of “Swachchhata Pakhawada”. The main target of discussions was strategies for reduction of tobacco consumption in Society.
About 25 members attended the meeting including members of faculties from AIIMS, Jodhpur, Municipal Commissioner of Jodhpur Shri OP Kasera, Prof. Kuldeep Singh (Dean Academics, AIIMS, Jodhpur), Dr. Amit Goyal, Prof. Pawan Singhal, Mr. Sanjay Seth, Ms. Ashima Sarin etc.
The current status of all the efforts and their impact was discussed. Then a road map for future strategies was detailed and Dr. Kunal Oswal from Tata Trust presented an ambitious plan to initiate the Cancer screening awareness cum facilities till District Hospital level.
Prof. Kuldeep Singh expressed commitment of AIIMS, Jodhpur for support and participation towards any such efforts for improving quality of health and life of general public.