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Visitor Counter : 22460

Mr. Manish Kumar Srivastava
Administrative Officer
AIIMS Jodhpur

Hon'ble Health Minister visit to AIIMS, Jodhpur on 6th June 2015: Videos of occasion

1. Arrival of Hon'ble Health Minister at AIIMS Jodhpur

2. Visit to Anatomy department of AIIMS Jodhpur

3. Visual Presenter and Course Overview of Anatomy at AIIMS Jodhpur

4. Lecture Theatre of AIIMS Jodhpur

5. Pathology Museum of AIIMS Jodhpur

6. Inauguration of Central Lab and Blood bank by Health Minister

7. Inauguration of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

8. Registration Process explained

9. Visit to Wards of AIIMS Jodhpur

10. Computerzied Patient Management System explained

11. Meeting Very Senior Orthopedic Surgeon of the City

12.Emeritius Speech and Inauguration of Computerzied Patient Management System

13.Computerzied Patient Management System of AIIMS Jodhpur