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Research Recruitment Notices

Warning: AIIMS, Jodhpur is not accepting any offline forms for any recruitment unless specified. Institute is not responsible for any applications sold in the market or sent by post to the Institute.

Advertisement Start Date Last Date Application Important Notices
File no. AIMS/JDH/CMFM/2025/57
Subject : Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non-pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community-based three arm multicentre randomized controlled trial.
07-03-2025 17-03-2025
File no. AIIMS/JDH/OBG/HEMI/2025/2
Subject : Validating PIWIL mRNAs and their protein signatures as a predictive marker for fertilizing competence of the sperm in assisted reproductive technology- a multicentric cohort study
07-03-2025 24-03-2025
File no. AIIMS/JDH/OBG/HEMI/2025/1
Subject : HEMI Trial: Novel use of Hyaluronan Enriched Media for Improving Implantation in Intrauterine Insemination: A Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial
07-03-2025 25-03-2025
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2025/1450
Subject : "New ISCALL - Improving survival in childhood - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in India (IS-CALL). ICICLE implementation study"
06-03-2025 20-03-2025
File no. AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/PRII-Res-Adv-04
Subject : Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled "lmplementation and sealing r.rp of model to achieve universal coverage with physician ascertained cause of death at district-level in India"
06-03-2025 17-03-2025
File no. 924/AIIMS/JDH/COE/2025
Subject : Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”.
28-02-2025 07-03-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/DENTAL/OMFS/AC-ICMR/OHS/01 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “Unravelling novel links between Oral health and Stroke risk through advanced biomarker and microbiological analysis for enhanced prevention – a prospective cohort study design”
22-02-2025 08-03-2025
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2025/1365 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “New ISCALL - Improving survival in childhood - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in India (IS-CALL). ICICLE implementation study”
19-02-2025 27-02-2025 Result
File No.: AlIMS/REC/2025/139
Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled "Hospital event-based surveillance for infectious disease in medical college hospital in India."
18-02-2025 03-03-2025
FileNo. : AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./004-1 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “ICMRs Multistate Implementation Research Study on Suicide Risk Reduction and Improving Mental Well-being among School and College Students”.
14-02-2025 19-02-2025 Result
No.AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/PT/Res/ICMR_SG_2025-26_FNS/Rectt/002 Recruitment Notice for Extramural Research Project Human Resource Position (on purely Temporary Basis)
"Financial Navigation Support to Patients Availing Cancer-Care at a Public Tertiary Care Health Facility in Rajasthan: Mixed Methods Exploration"
11-02-2025 22-02-2025 Result
No.AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/PT/Res/ICMR_SG_2025-26_FNS/Rectt/001 Recruitment Notice for Extramural Research Project Human Resource Position (on purely Temporary Basis)
"Financial Navigation Support to Patients Availing Cancer-Care at a Public Tertiary Care Health Facility in Rajasthan: Mixed Methods Exploration"
10-02-2025 16-02-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2025/1314 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “Ambulatory Blood Pressure Nomogram Derivation for Indian Children: A Pioneer Study”.
08-02-2025 19-02-2025 Result
Advertisement. No. : AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/PRR-Res-Adv-03
Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled "Designing and implementation of health care model in patients with Stage-2 Breast Cancer."
07-02-2025 15-02-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2025/1131 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “NIHR Global Health Research Centre for Multiple Long-Term Conditions”.
07-02-2025 15-02-2025 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/PSY/2025/121 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Pathway to Resilience and Mental Health (PARAM)
05-02-2025 19-02-2025 Result
Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Effect of Early Periodontal Therapy on Pregnancy Outcomes- A Randomized Control Trial".
04-02-2025 20-02-2025 Result
Ref.No. AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/2025/38 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name : “Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non-pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community-based three arm multicentre randomized controlled trial”
01-02-2025 10-02-2025 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./03 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name : "Burden and Sequelae of Influenza and SARS-CoV2 associated SARI among adult Indian population (18-60 yrs)"
25-01-2025 31-01-2025 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/MKG-Res.-Adv./34 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name : “Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non-pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community-based three arm multicentre randomized controlled trial”
22-01-2025 31-01-2025
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./01 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name : "National Mental Health Survey in India - 2"
21-01-2025 05-02-2025 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./02 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name : Use of mobile health (m health) applications to train primary health center staff in the acute management of burn and injury patients in Jodhpur, Rajasthan: A Community based trial
21-01-2025 07-02-2025 Result
No. 873 AIIMS/JDH/COE/2025
Subject : Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”.
21-01-2025 31-01-2025 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/PHARMA/2025/1866 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Role of Heavy Metals in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Efficacy and Safety of Sodium-Glucose like Transporter – 2 (SGLT-2) Inhibitors in PCOS.”
21-01-2025 29-01-2025 Result
File No.:AIIMS/Micro/Rec./2025/1931 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Strengthening genomic surveillance for vector borne diseases in India
16-01-2025 07-02-2025 Result
File No.:AIIMS/Micro/Rec./2025/1930 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Regional Level Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, AIIMS Jodhpur.
16-01-2025 07-02-2025 Result
File No.:AIIMS/JDH/Pedia/2025/1169 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Screening of Pregnant Woman and Newborns in Aspirational District Sirohi, Rajasthan
10-01-2025 20-01-2025
File No.:AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2025/2280 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Prioritizing hypertension control and care by strengthening primary health care
07-01-2025 14-01-2025 Result
File No.:AIIMS/JDH/Pedia/2025/1151 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Non-invasive measurement of ICP through Point of care test (Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter and Transcranial Doppler) in children with Traumatic Brain Injury in Emergency
06-01-2025 22-01-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2025/1145 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Assessment of Genetic and Metabolic factors in children with renal stones in western India.
06-01-2025 17-01-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2025/1131 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project titled “National Registry for Rare and Other Inherited Disorders (NRROID)” 02-01-2025 24-01-2025 Result - 2
Result - 1
File no. AIIMS/JDH/Med-Onco/RES/2025 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “Addition of low-dose pembrolizumab to capecitabine for residual triple negative breast cancer post neoadjuvant chemotherapy: An investigator-initiated multicentric open-labeled phase III randomized controlled clinical trial ”
01-01-2025 22-01-2025 Result
Ref. no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2025/2267 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Effect of Health and Wellness Centres under Ayushman Bharat on Out-of-Pocket Expenditure of Geriatric Population : A multi-centre study
01-01-2025 14-01-2025 Result
Ref. no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2025/2266 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Psychosocial and Economic Effect of Dementia Caregiving and Factors Associated: A multi-centre study
01-01-2025 14-01-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PSY/2024/896 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Pathway to Resilience and Mental Health (PARAM)
24-12-2024 13-01-2025 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/2233 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: A Phase III, Multicentre, Randomized, double-Blind, Placebo Controlled study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Immunogenicity and Safety of Single dose of Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live Attenuated (Recombinant, Lyophillized) – "DengiAll" of Panacea Biotec Limited in Healthy Indian Adults" under NHRP (Vector borne component).
17-12-2024 27-12-2024 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/T&E/2024/Dec./17 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled "To Study the effectiveness ofTrauma Quality improvement program (TQIP'S) in improving Trauma care in lndia". 07-12-2024 16-12-2024 Result
Ref No.: AIIMS/JDH/CARDIO/RES/2024/056 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: "Routine Invasive Vs Ischemia Driven Strategy in Patients with ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Presenting Between 12-72 Hours of Symptom Onset (LATECOMER TRIAL)"
03-12-2024 18-12-2024 Result
File No.: AIIMS/JDH/SurgOnco/RES/2024/22 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: "Upfront Surgery Vs Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Surgery in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Cancers with Advanced Nodal Disease 'SurVIC Trial': A Phase 3 Multicentric Randomized Controlled Trial"
29-11-2024 10-12-2024 Result 2
Result 1
File No.: AIIMS/Micro/Rec./2024/1720 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Pan India Surveillance for respiratory viruses through DHR-ICMR VRDL Network
28-11-2024 26-12-2024 Result
File No.: AIIMS/Micro/Rec./2024/1719 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Strengthening genomie surveillance for vector borne diseases in India
28-11-2024 26-12-2024 Result
File No.: AIIMS/Micro/Rec./24/1714 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled "Strengthening of Laboratory Capabilities of AIIMS, Jodhpur for the Diagnosis and Control Rabies in Rajasthan, India". 28-11-2024 06-12-2024 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/2207 A Phase III, Multicentre, Randomized, double-Blind, Placebo Controlled study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Immunogenicity and Safety of Single dose of Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live Attenuated (Recombinant, Lyophillized) – "DengiAll" of Panacea Biotec Limited in Healthy Indian Adults" under NHRP (Vector borne component). 27-11-2024 06-12-2024 Result
File No: AIIMS/JDH/BIODESIGN/001 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project titled “Clinical validation and development of a surgical instrument for intra-operative detection of nerves to prevent iatrogenic nerve injuries" 26-11-2024 10-12-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/PRR-Res-Adv-02 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled "Designing and implementation of health care model in patients with Stage-2 Breast Cancer.". 22-11-2024 06-12-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/941 Advertisement for Walk-In-Interview for Post Doctoral Fellow in the department of Pediatrics, AIIMS Jodhpur Project Name: "NIHR Global Health reasearch Centre for Multiple Long-Term Conditions". 20-11-2024 07-12-2024 Result
Advertisement No.: AIIMS/JDH/NEO/2024/11/500
Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC)”. under NHM (RBSK)”.
16-11-2024 02-12-2024 Result
File No.: 814 AIIMS/COE/2024
Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”.
16-11-2024 26-11-2024 Result
Project Name: “Technical Resource Centre under the Centre for Evidence for Guideline”
02-11-2024 16-11-2024 Result
Project Name: “Impact of multipronged interventions targeting healthcare professionals in reducing surgical site infections and identifying the challenges in adoption of these interventions”
01-11-2024 25-11-2024 Result 2
Result 1
Date change notice - 2
Date change notice - 1
File No. : AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./004 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: “ICMRs Multistate Implementation Research Study on Suicide Risk Reduction and Improving Mental Well Being Among School and College Students” 29-10-2024 12-11-2024 Result
Ref No. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/847 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: "Resource Centre/Hub Under Health Technology Assessment" 26-10-2024 02-12-2024 Result
Corrigendum - 2
Corrigendum - 1
File no. AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./003 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: “Burden and Sequelae of Influenza and SARS-CoV2 associated SARI among adult Indian population (18-60 yrs)” 19-10-2024 28-10-2024 Result - 3
Result - 2
Result - 1
File no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/2128 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: A Phase III, Multicentre, Randomized, double-Blind, Placebo Controlled study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Immunogenicity and Safety of Single dose of Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live Attenuated (Recombinant, Lyophillized) – "DengiAll" of Panacea Biotec Limited in Healthy Indian Adults" under NHRP (Vector borne component). 16-10-2024 08-11-2024 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/DIAMOnDS/71/2024 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: DHR-ICMR Advanced Molecular Oncology Diagnostic Services (DIAMOnDS) under HTA In, Pilot Research Project. 09-10-2024 23-10-2024 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/ 2060 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology Activities Under the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). 30-09-2024 30-10-2024 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/708 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: “Assessment of RMNCAH+N service delivery costs, work patterns and efficiency of primary healthcare teams at Ayushman Bharat - Health and Wellness Centers.” 19-09-2024 01-10-2024 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/707 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: "Resource Centre/Hub Under Health Technology Assessment" 19-09-2024 01-10-2024 Result
File no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/2039 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: Developing cost effective strategies to strengthen and implement tobacco control policies related to bidi. 17-09-2024 28-09-2024 Result
Ref. no. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/2017 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: Epidemiology of Pancreatitis and Major Gastrointestinal Diseases: A multi-centre study across India-An ICMR Taskforce Project 10-09-2024 21-09-2024 Result
File No.: 760 AIIMS/COE/2024 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 10-09-2024 17-09-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/PUL.MED/2024-249 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: "Nebulized amphotericin B added to oral azoles in chronic pulmonary aspergillosis patients: A Placebo-controlled, Double-blinded Multicentric Randomized Controlled Trial (NAB Trial)" 06-09-2024 17-09-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/MICRO/2024/1259 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: "Molecular Detection of Rheumatogenic clusters of streptococcus Dysgalactiae subsp. Equisimilis (Group C.G) in India: Early prediction of Rheumatic Heart Disease" 02-09-2024 09-09-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/MICRO/2024/1258 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: "Mission: A multi-centric capacity building initiative to strength the clinical and laboratory detection of meliodosis in India with special focus on the north eastern states" 02-09-2024 09-09-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/PSY/2024/596 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: Pathway to resilience and mental health (PARAM) 30-08-2024 11-09-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/588 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project Name: Congenital Rubella Syndrome Surveillance (CRSS) 27-08-2024 07-09-2024 Result
Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in an Extramural Research Project titled: “Clinical validation and development of a surgical instrument for intra-operative detection of nerves to prevent iatrogenic nerve injuries" 26-08-2024 06-09-2024 Result
Ref No. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/579 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: "NIHR Global Health Research Centre for Multiple Long-Term Conditions"
24-08-2024 10-09-2024 Result - 2
Result - 1
File No.: AIIMS/Micro/24/1315 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Seroepidemiology Maternal Immune Status and Missed Diagnosis of Pertussis among young Infants in India”. 23-08-2024 29-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No.: AIIMS/JDH/NEO/2024/08/349 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC)”. under NHM (RBSK)”. 17-08-2024 03-09-2024 Result
Ref No. AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/1920 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: A Phase III, Multicentre, Randomized, double-Blind, Placebo Controlled study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Immunogenicity and Safety of Single dose of Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live Attenuated (Recombinant, Lyophillized) – "DengiAll" of Panacea Biotec Limited in Healthy Indian Adults" under NHRP (Vector borne component).
16-08-2024 02-09-2024 Result
Ref No. AIIMS/JDH/CARDIO/RES/2024/012 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “Influenza vaccine to reduce cardiovascular events in patients with recent myocardial infarction: a multicentric randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial(FLUENT-MI)”
14-08-2024 31-08-2024 Result
File No. AIIMS/JDH/SurgOnco/RES/2024/14 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: "Pan-India Early-onset COlorectal Cancer (PEACOCC)"
08-08-2024 17-08-2024 Result
Ref No. AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/506 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: "Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment"
05-08-2024 20-08-2024 Result
File no./AIIMS/JDH/SPH/2024/1872 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: m-Health based intervention by community workers to support family caregivers to persons with dementia living at Home.
05-08-2024 14-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/ADG/RES/001 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: "Barriers and Facilitators to service utilization and Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in India: A Multicentric: Mixed Method approach- AIIMS Jodhpur”
31-07-2024 10-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/PSY/2024/527 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Pathway to resilience and mental health (PARAM)
30-07-2024 14-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/MED/2024/02 Recruitment for the following posts purely on a temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Comparative Evaluation of intensified short course regimen and standard regimen for adults TB Meningitis.” 30-07-2024 10-08-2024 Result - TB meningitis Research Scientist I
Result - TB meningitis technical support III
Result - TB meningitis Staff Nurse I
Advertisement No: AIIMS/MED/2024/01 Recruitment for the following posts purely on a temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary care centres across India.” 30-07-2024 09-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/NR-Res./Adv./002 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
30-07-2024 08-08-2024 Result - 3
Result - 2
Result - 1
Advertisement No: AIIMS/PUL.MED/2024-218 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: Nebulized amphotericin B added to oral azoles in chronic pulmonary aspergillosis patients: APlacebo-controlled, Double-blinded Multicentric Randomized Controlled Trial(NAB trial)
29-07-2024 12-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/MKG-Res.-Adv./01 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non-pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community-based three arm multicentre randomized controlled trial”.
29-07-2024 12-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/PED/2024/410 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “New ISCALL - Improving survival in childhood - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in India (IS-CALL). ICICLE implementation study"
29-07-2024 09-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/CARDIO/RES/2024/002 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project.
Project Name: “Development, implementation and evaluation of protocolized Cardio-Obstetric Care in improving maternal cardiac, obstetric and fetal outcomes of Pregnant Women with Heart Diseases in India.”
26-07-2024 09-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/NEO/2024/07/ 323 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC)”. under NHM (RBSK)”. 25-07-2024 13-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/HBPC/2024/175 Project Name: Cipla Home Based Palliative Care, Jodhpur. Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research under above mentioned Project. 25-07-2024 03-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/DIAMOnDS/42/2024 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR Advanced Molecular Research Project”. 24-07-2024 02-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/JDH/CMFM/PRR/01 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Designing and implementation of health care model in patients with Stage-2 Breast Cancer.” 22-07-2024 07-08-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/118 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “m-Health based intervention by community workers to support family caregivers to persons with dementia living at home.” 20-06-2024 29-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2024/115 Recruitment for the following posts purely on a temporary basis in the Extramural Research Projecttitled “Assessing Phenytoin and Levetiracetam Efficacy, Cost-Effectiveness and CYP2C9/SV2A Polymorphism in Early Post-Traumatic Seizures: A Multicentric Prospective Randomized Trial.” 19-06-2024 02-07-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2024/117 Recruitment for the following posts purely on a temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Upfront Surgery Vs Induction Chemotherapy followed by Surgery in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Cancers with Advanced Nodal Disease (SurVIC Trail): A Phase 3 Multicentric Randomized Controlled Trail.” 19-06-2024 28-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2024/116 Recruitment for the following posts purely on a temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Quality of life, Physical and Mental well-being with Yoga therapy in Head and Neck Cancer patients managed with surgery first as a curative intent treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” 19-06-2024 28-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/113 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Hospital event-based surveillance for infectious disease in medical college hospital in India.” 18-06-2024 04-07-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/114 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Projecttitled “Burden and Sequelae of Influenza and SARS-CoV2 associated SARI among adult Indian population (18-60 yrs).” 18-06-2024 03-07-2024 Result - 2
Result - 1
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/110 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Assessment of RMNCAH+N service delivery costs, work patterns and efficiency of primary healthcare teams at Ayushman Bharat - Health and Wellness Centers.” 18-06-2024 28-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/112 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non-pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community based three arm multicenter randomized controlled trial”. 18-06-2024 28-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/111 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment.” 18-06-2024 28-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/109 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Preoperative respiratory care and outcomes for patients undergoing high-risk abdominal surgery (PENGUIN Trial).” 03-06-2024 15-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/108 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Seroepidemiology Maternal Immune Status And Missed Diagnosis of Pertussis among young Infants in India” 27-05-2024 19-06-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/107 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Effect of Early Periodontal Therapy on Pregnancy Outcomes- A Randomized Control Trial". 15-05-2024 20-06-2024 Corrigendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/106 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH SURVEY IN INDIA - 2.” 30-04-2024 14-05-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/105 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Developing cost effective strategies to strengthen and implement tobacco control policies related to bidi.” 25-04-2024 10-05-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/100 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “ICMRs Multistate Implementation Research Study on Suicide Risk Reduction and Improving Mental Well-being among School and College Students.” 10-04-2024 14-05-2024 Result - 3
Result - 2
Result - 1
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/103 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Non-invasive measurement of ICP through Point of Care test (Optic nerve sheath diameter and transcranial Doppler) in children with Traumatic brain injury in Emergency". 10-04-2024 23-04-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/104 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “New ISCALL - Improving survival in childhood - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in India (IS-CALL). ICICLE implementation study". 10-04-2024 19-04-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/101 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Improve diagnosis and management of cystic fibrosis (CF) by capacity building of medical college hospitals across India and develop registry.” 09-04-2024 22-04-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/102 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “To assess the impact of endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure on DNA methylation in infertile males: A multicentric study in India" funded by the Department of Health Research (DHR), New Delhi. 09-04-2024 18-04-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2024/99 Recruitment for the following posts purely on temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Strengthening of Laboratory Capabilities of AIIMS, Jodhpur for the Diagnosis and Control of Rabies in Rajasthan, India.” 12-03-2024 26-03-2024
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2024/98 Recruitment for the following posts purely on temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Quality of life, Physical and Mental well-being with Yoga therapy in Head and Neck cancer patient managed with surgery first as a Curative Intent Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” 12-03-2024 22-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/96 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non-pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community based three arm multicenter randomized controlled trial”. 09-03-2024 20-04-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/97 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Projecttitled “Effectiveness of yoga based Cardiac Rehabilitation (Yoga-Care) programme in Heart failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” 09-03-2024 18-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/95 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS Jodhpur.”. 06-03-2024 19-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2024/94 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hand) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology.”. 06-03-2024 12-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/MEIC/ PH-(1)/2024/93 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC)”. 01-03-2024 11-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/92 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR).” 19-02-2024 05-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/91 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology activities under the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP)” for IBBS Survey. 15-02-2024 01-03-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/90 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project Titled “Assessment of unmet needs and access to assistive technologies among the general population through the digital rATA tool: A cross-sectional survey in India”. 15-02-2024 28-02-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/89 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Role of Heavy Metals in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Efficacy and Safety of Sodium-Glucose like Transporter – 2 (SGLT-2) Inhibitors in PCOS.” 07-02-2024 15-02-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/88 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An observational study of prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant Indian females and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus.” 05-02-2024 15-02-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/87 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR Advanced Molecular Oncology Diagnostic Services (DIAMOnDS) under HTA In, Pilot Research Project.” 05-02-2024 14-02-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/86 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Projecttitled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS Jodhpur”. 29-01-2024 09-02-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/84 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Ambulatory Blood Pressure Nomogram Derivation for Indian Children: Pioneer study". 18-01-2024 30-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/82 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Designing and implementation of health care model in patients with Stage-2 Breast Cancer”. 18-01-2024 25-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/81 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Telemedicine use to improve access, cost quality of primary and secondary care of tribal people of Abu Road Tehsil of District Sirohi, Rajasthan: A Hybrid type 2 effectiveness implementation study.” 18-01-2024 24-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/83 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Assessment of RMNCAH+N service delivery costs, work patterns and efficiency of primary healthcare teams at Ayushman Bharat - Health and Wellness Centers.” 18-01-2024 24-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2024/85 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Prioritizing hypertension control and care by strengthening the primary health care.” 18-01-2024 24-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2023/80 Addiction Treatment Facility AIIMS, Jodhpur - Notification for Contractual Recruitment. 27-12-2023 04-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/78 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 27-12-2023 03-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/79 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Screening for sickle cell anemia in newborn, pregnant women (ANC) and family members in Rajasthan". 27-12-2023 03-01-2024 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/77 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis project titled “Establishment of multi-center Identification portal and DNA database for the identification of unidentified dead bodies in India by using molecular, bioinformatics tools and techniques." 06-12-2023 18-12-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/76 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the project titled “Preoperative respiratory care and outcomes for patients undergoing high risk abdominal surgery (PENGUIN Trial)”. 07-10-2023 - Corregendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/74 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the project titled “Psychosocial and Economic Effect of Dementia Caregiving and Factors associated: A Multicenter Study”. 07-10-2023 17-10-2023
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/75 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Experience of Take-Home Buprenorphine in Punjab Opioid Substitution Therapy Centers”. 07-10-2023 16-10-2023
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/72 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the project titled “HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology activities under the national AIDS Control Programme (NACP)”. 26-09-2023 06-10-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/71 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the project titled “A Retrospective Multicenter Real-World Evidence Study of Open, Laparoscopic and Robotic-assisted Rectal Resections for Rectal Cancer”. 26-09-2023 09-10-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/73 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the project titled “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment”. 26-09-2023 04-10-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/70 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the project titled “NIHR Global Health Research Centre for multiple long-term Conditions”. 26-09-2023 04-10-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/69 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology activities under the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP)”. 19-09-2023 29-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/68 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS Jodhpur”. 12-09-2023 21-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/62 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Home-based palliative care in Jodhpur”. 12-09-2023 20-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/65 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An International Multicenter, Randomized Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of the safety and Efficacy of Anti-Coronavirus Hyper immune Intravenous Immunoglobulin for the treatment of Adult Outpatients in Early Stages of COVID-19 (INSIGHT012-OTAC) ”. 12-09-2023 20-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/67 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “A trade off study to analyze the pressure swing Adsorption Plants (PSA) established in Rajasthan during COVID-19 crisis.”. 12-09-2023 19-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/66 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Contingency Planning for crisis Resilience in Procurement and Supply Chains in Public Health Sector in Rajasthan ”. 12-09-2023 19-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/63 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 12-09-2023 18-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/61 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Quality of life, physical and mental well-being with Yoga Therapy in Head and Neck cancer patients managed with surgery first as a curative intent treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. 12-09-2023 26-09-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/64 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Prioritizing hypertension control and care by strengthening primary health care”. 29-08-2023 05-09-2023
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/59 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Mapping the entire bidi trade in the seven largest bidi producing states, and identify gaps in legal and illicit bidi manufacture”. 18-08-2023 29-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/60 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hand) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology”. 18-08-2023 29-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/58 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “A descriptive, survey-based, mixed methods study of Drug Overdose in Substance Use Disorder”. 18-08-2023 28-08-2023 Result - Field Worker
Result - Project Manager
Result - Site Manager
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/55 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “To Study the effectiveness of Trauma Quality improvement program (TQIP’S) in improving Trauma care in India”. 08-08-2023 22-08-2023 Result - Junior Nurse
Result - Senior Research Fellow
Result - Data Entry Operator
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/56 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Cross Sectional Study to assess the suitability of MODIA’s content in Asian-Indian Population”. 08-08-2023 21-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/54 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR advanced Medical oncology diagnostic services (DIAMONDS) under HTALn pilot research project". 08-08-2023 21-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/53 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment”. 08-08-2023 19-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/57 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Hospital based sentinel surveillance for S. pneumoniae and other invasive bacterial disease in India- Phase-II & Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Surveillance in India-Combined site". 08-08-2023 19-08-2023 Result - Lab Technician
Result - Research Assistant
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/51 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Home-based palliative care in Jodhpur”. 20-07-2023 04-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/52 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Clinical validation and development of surgical instrument for intra-operative detection of nerves to prevent iatrogenic nerve injuries”. 20-07-2023 04-08-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/48 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 18-07-2023 23-08-2023 Result - Medical Social Worker
Result - Project Officer
Result - Field Officer
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/50 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Telemedicine use to improve access, cost, quality of primary and secondary care of tribal people of Abu Road Tehsil of District Sirohi, Rajasthan: A Hybrid type 2 effectiveness implementation study”. 17-07-2023 23-08-2023 Result - Technical Assistant
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/44 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Effect of Health and Wellness Centre under Ayushman Bharat on out of pocket expenditure of Geriatric Population: A Multicenter Study”. 03-07-2023 14-07-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/46 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “m-Health based intervention by community workers to support family caregivers to persons with dementia living at Home”. 03-07-2023 14-07-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/45 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Psychosocial and Economic Effect of Dementia Caregiving and Factors associated: A Multicenter Study”. 03-07-2023 13-07-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/47 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology activities under the national AIDS Control Programme (NACP)”. 03-07-2023 13-07-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC,/2023/49 Recruitment for the post of Project Cook on a purely temporary basisin the Extramural Research Projecttitled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 03-07-2023 23-08-2023 Result
Corrigendum 3
Corrigendum 2
Corrigendum 1
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/38 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “To study the prevalence of Bisphenol A toxicity and its metabolic and hormonal effects in females with polycystic Ovary Syndrome”. 13-06-2023 26-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/40 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An Observational Study of prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant Indian females and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus”. 13-06-2023 22-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/41 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Capacity Building and Strengthening of Hospital Infection Control to Detect andPrevent Antimicrobial Resistance in India”. 13-06-2023 21-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/39 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Telemedicine use to improve access, cost, quality of primary and secondary care of tribal people of Abu Road Tehsil of District Sirohi, Rajasthan: A Hybrid type 2 effectiveness- implementation study”. 13-06-2023 19-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/42 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled ““A Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel Arm, Dose Optimization Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine in Type 2 Diabetes Patients uncontrolled on Metformin and Sulfonylurea Combination”, under Principal InvestigatorDr. Madhukar Mittal, Additional Professor, Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism ". 03-06-2023 13-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/43 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary care centers across India". 03-06-2023 10-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/37 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Characterization of amyloidosis in diagnostic services using western blot technique and immunogold electron microscopy". 17-05-2023 25-05-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/34 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR advanced Medical oncology diagnostic services (DIAMONDS) under HTALn pilot research project". 17-05-2023 01-06-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC,/2023/35 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 17-05-2023 27-05-2023 Result Corrigendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/36 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Evaluation of a health system based intervention on change in thrombolysis rate in ST segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) acute coronary syndrome (ACS) across selected districts of the country-A health implementation research project (ICMR-STEMI-ACT)”. 17-05-2023 23-05-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/33 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Integrated Community Based Palliative Home care of Chronic Debilitated Patients- A novice Approach in Jodhpur". 17-05-2023 23-05-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/31 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology activities under the national AIDS Control Programme (NACP)”. 21-04-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/30 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Estimate the burden of TB (Active and Latent) among the tribal population and their anti-TB drug resistance pattern to strengthen TB control in the tribal areas”. 21-04-2023 02-05-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/29 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Effectiveness of yoga based based cardiac Rehabilitation (Yoga-Care) programme in heart failure: A randomized controlled clinical trial”. 21-04-2023 01-05-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/28 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hand) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology". 22-03-2023 14-04-2023 Corrigendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/23 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “National Clinical Registry for COVID-19”. 22-03-2023 14-04-2023 Corrigendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/26 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Pfizer program titled “infectious Disease Fellowship Competitive Grant Program-Training and skill development program in Antimicrobial Stewardship”. 22-03-2023 13-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/25 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary care centers across India". 22-03-2023 13-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/24 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Mission: A multi-centric capacity building initiative to strength the clinical and laboratory detection of meliodosis in India with special focus on the north eastern states". 22-03-2023 17-04-2023 Corregendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/27 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled ““A Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel Arm, Dose Optimization Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine in Type 2 Diabetes Patients uncontrolled on Metformin and Sulfonylurea Combination”, under Principal InvestigatorDr. Madhukar Mittal, Additional Professor, Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism ". 22-03-2023 11-04-2023 Corrigendum
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/22 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Surveillance in India” for conducting Health Technology Assessment . 22-03-2023 11-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/19 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Screening for sickle cell anemia in newborn, pregnant women (ANC) and family members in Rajasthan". 22-03-2023 11-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/16 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 22-03-2023 10-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC,/2023/17 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 22-03-2023 10-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/18 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “Deep-tech Biodesign Centre: A Multi-Disciplinary center to train nurture and transform clinicians and engineers into the Deep-tech innovators in the field of Medical/Health Technology". 22-03-2023 06-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2023/20 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Community Behavior and its determinants in relation to Malaria prevention and control in Rajasthan”. 22-03-2023 05-04-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2023/21 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Association between history of COVID-19 and Mental Helath Morbility in India- a cross sectional multi-centric Study”. 22-03-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2023/15 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory” at AIIMS Jodhpur. 15-02-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/14 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Sustainable Laboratory network for monitoring of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses in India and Enhancing Bio-Risk Mitigation for high risk group Pathogens” at AIIMS Jodhpur. 15-02-2023 23-02-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2023/13 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Use of Mobile Health (Mhealth) application to train primary health center staff in acute management of burn and injury patients in Jodhpur, Rajasthan: A Community Based trail” at AIIMS Jodhpur. 15-02-2023 20-02-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./CSR/2023/12 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project, titled "Cipla Home Based Palliative Care CSR Project". 31-01-2023 10-02-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/11 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy-the COVID study". 25-01-2023 10-02-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/10 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis project titled “Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy followed by Surgery versus Surgery followed by adjuvant Chemotherapy for resectable Gastric Adenocarcinoma – Phase – 3 Multicenter Randomized Control Trial” (NAGA Study)". 25-01-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC/2023/09 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hand) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology". 25-01-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./MEIC/2023/08 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis for Project, titled "Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC)". 17-01-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./MEIC/2023/07 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis for Project, titled "Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC)". 06-01-2023 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./ICMR/2022/02 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project, titled "Epidemiology of Pancreatitis and Major Gastrointestinal Diseased: A Multi-Centre Study across India – An ICMR task force project". 14-12-2022 04-01-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./2022/03 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the BMGF funded extramural project entitle “Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) – Capacity Building-Orientation Training for COVID – 19 Preparedness and IPC for Healthcare Facilities". 14-12-2022 03-01-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./ICMR/2022/05 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project, titled "Integrated Community Based Palliative Home Care of Chronic Debilitated Patients-A novice approach in Jodhpur". 14-12-2022 03-01-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./ICMR/2022/04 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project, titled “Pharmacogenomics, Biochemical and Epigenetic and population pharmacokinetic study in TB patients Multicentric Study ". 14-12-2022 02-01-2023 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./ICMR/2022/06 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project, titled "Community Behavior and its determinants in relation to Malaria prevention and control in Rajasthan". 14-12-2022 31-12-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/REC./MEIC/2022/01 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis for Project, titled "Model Early Invention Centre (MEIC) 12-11-2022 - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/649 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Bloomberg Initiative to Control Tobacco Use Grants Program through The Union, Funded Research Project, titled "Mapping the entire bidi trade in the seven largest bidi producing states, and identify gaps in legal and illicit bidi manufacture". 30-09-2022 15-10-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 30-09-2022 10-10-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/577 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An International Multicenter, Randomized Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of the safety and Efficacy of Anti-Coronavirus Hyperimmune Intravenous Immunoglobulin for the Treatment of Adult Outpatients in Early Stages of COVID-19 (INSIGHT012-OTAC)”. 27-09-2022 07-10-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/578 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Epidemiology of Pancreatitis and Major Gastrointestinal Diseases: A Multi-centre Study Across India – An ICMR Task Force Project”. 17-09-2022 01-10-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/856 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Project titled “Evaluation of AarogyaAI rapid drug sensitivity test for tuberculosis”. 15-09-2022 04-10-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/467 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR Advanced Medical Oncology Diagnostic Services (DIAMONDS) under HTA In, Pilot Research Project”. 01-09-2022 21-09-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/638 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy: The COVIP Study”. 30-08-2022 15-09-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/488 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Efficacy of sulfonylureas in patients with polymorphism in KCNJ11-ABCC8 genetic locus: A prospective cohort study in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus patients in Western Rajasthan”. 30-08-2022 13-09-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/815 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Quality of life, physical and mental well-being with Yoga Therapy in Head and Neck cancer patients managed with surgery first as a curative intent treatment: A Randomised Controlled Trial”. 25-08-2022 09-09-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/855 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Project titled “Home-based palliative care in Jodhpur”. 25-08-2022 02-09-2022 Result 2
Result 1
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 22-08-2022 06-09-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/818 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “A clinical applicability study of the tumuor specific electroporation technique for patients with locally advanced or recurrent head & neck cancer using IQwave 3.0 CE”. 17-08-2022 08-09-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(04)/2017/251 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur Regional Center for Antimicrobial Surveillance Network”. 16-08-2022 30-08-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/647 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “A Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel Arm, Dose Optimization Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine in Type 2 Diabetes Patients uncontrolled on Metformin and Sulfonylurea Combination”. 08-08-2022 26-08-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/761 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Efficacy of low dose, short course prednisolone regimen for relapse of steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome in children: A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial”. 08-08-2022 24-08-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/578 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Epidemiology of Pancreatitis and Major Gastrointestinal Diseases: A Multi-centre Study Across India – An ICMR Task Force Project”. 08-08-2022 17-08-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/578 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Epidemiology of Pancreatitis and Major Gastrointestinal Diseases: A Multi-centre Study Across India – An ICMR Task Force Project”. 30-07-2022 17-08-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/577 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An International Multicenter, Randomized Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of the safety and Efficacy of Anti-Coronavirus Hyperimmune Intravenous Immunoglobulin for the Treatment of Adult Outpatients in Early Stages of COVID-19 (INSIGHT012-OTAC)”. 18-07-2022 29-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/383 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the DBT Research Project titled “Establishment of DBT NIDAN Kendra at AIIMS Jodhpur for Genetic Disorders in Rajasthan”. 15-07-2022 02-08-2022
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/130 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Hospital-based sentinel surveillance for S.pneumoniae and other invasive bacterial disease in India – Phase-II”. 15-07-2022 02-08-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/376 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Research Project titled “Stimulating Medical Students interest in Medical Genetics: Randomized Controlled Trial of an Innovative Educational Intervention”. 15-07-2022 30-07-2022
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 13-07-2022 25-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/721 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary care centres across India”. 11-07-2022 29-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/818 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “A clinical applicability study of the tumuor specific electroporation technique for patients with locally advanced or recurrent head & neck cancer using IQwave 3.0 CE”. 11-07-2022 26-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/638 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy: the COVID Study”. 30-06-2022 22-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/488 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Efficacy of sulfonylureas in patients with polymorphism in KCNJ11-ABCC8 genetic locus: A prospective cohort study in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus patients in Western Rajasthan”. 25-06-2022 11-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 24-06-2022 04-07-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/721 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary care centres across India”. 23-06-2022 30-06-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/721 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary case centres across India”. 24-05-2022 08-06-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/533 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hands) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology”. 18-05-2022 01-06-2022 Waitlist - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/376 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Research Project titled “Stimulating Medical Students interest in Medical Genetics: Randomized Controlled Trial of an Innovative Educational Intervention”. 12-05-2022 28-05-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 12-05-2022 27-05-2022 Waitlist - Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/622 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Telemedicine use to improve access, cost, quality of primary and secondary care of tribal people of Abu Road Tehsil of District Sirohi, Rajasthan: A Hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation study”. 12-05-2022 27-05-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(09)/2022/714 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Prioritizing hypertension control and care by strengthening primary health care”. 07-05-2022 03-06-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/578 Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Epidemiology of Pancreatitis and Major Gastrointestinal Diseases: A Multi-centre Study Across India – An ICMR Task Force Project”. 07-05-2022 03-06-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/588 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Characterization of amyloidosis in diagnostic services using western blot technique and immunogold electron microscopy”. 21-04-2022 11-05-2022 Waitlist Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/530 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the national health mission (NHM) policy of mainstreaming and co-locating AYUSH within Primary Health Care”. 13-04-2022 30-04-2022 Notice
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/533 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hands) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology”. 12-04-2022 05-05-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/367 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “GenomeIndia: Cataloguing the genetic variations in Indians”. 07-04-2022 18-04-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/383 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the DBT Research Project titled “Establishment of DBT NIDAN Kendra at AIIMS Jodhpur for Genetic Disorders in Rajasthan”. 07-04-2022 18-04-2022 Result Waitlist
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/488 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Efficacy of sulfonylureas in patients with polymorphism KCNJ11-ABCC8 genetic locus: A rospective cohort study in India Type 2 diabetic Mellitus patients”. 04-04-2022 22-04-2022 Wailtlisted Candidate for Lab Attendant
Result Waitlist
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 02-04-2022 18-04-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/397 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Use of mobile health (mhealth) applications to train primary health center staff in acute management of burn and injury patients in Jodhpur, Rajasthan: A Community Based trial”. 22-03-2022 12-04-2022 Waitlist Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(05)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 22-03-2022 11-04-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/622 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Telemedicine use to improve access, cost, quality of primary and secondary care of tribal people of Abu Road Tehsil of District Sirohi, Rajasthan: A Hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation study”. 21-03-2022 05-04-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/588 Recruitment for the following post on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Characterization of amyloidosis in diagnostic services using western blot technique and immunogold electron microscopy”. 07-03-2022 28-03-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/533 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Variation in innate immune activation and cardiovascular disease risk as drivers of COVID-19 outcome in South Asians in UK and India”. 02-03-2022 17-03-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/533 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “COACH (Community Oriented Action and Caring Hands) approach for promoting end of life care in Jodhpur, Rajasthan through participatory research methodology”. 22-02-2022 15-03-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/395 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An Observation study of prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant Indian females and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus”. 22-02-2022 11-03-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/493 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Integrated Community Based Palliative Home Care of Chronic Debilitated Patients – A novice approach in Jodhpur”. 21-02-2022 08-03-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/383 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the DBT Research Project titled “Establishment of DBT NIDAN Kendra at AIIMS Jodhpur for Genetic Disorders in Rajasthan”. 10-02-2022 21-02-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/579 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Community Behavior and its determinants in relation to Malaria prevention and control in Rajasthan”. 01-02-2022 18-02-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 27-01-2022 12-02-2022 Result - Waitlist
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/530 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the national health mission (NHM) policy of mainstreaming and co-locating AYUSH within Primary Health Care”. 07-01-2022 28-01-2022 Result (Field Worker) - 2nd Wait-List
Result (Field Worker)
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/467 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR Advanced Medical Oncology Diagnostic Services (DIAMONDS) under HTA In, Pilot Research Project”. 05-01-2022 21-01-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 05-01-2022 18-01-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/673 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Cost-Effectiveness of Pradhan Mantri Janaushadhi Pariyojna (PMJP) and its impact on Financial Risk Protection in India”. 05-01-2022 18-01-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/618 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Women's Health and Domestic Violence against women during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: A Cross-Sectional Study”. 05-01-2022 13-01-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/551 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “ICMR's Network of Pulmonary Fibrosis”. 23-12-2021 14-01-2022 Result (Project Technician Grade-III)
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/493 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Integrated Community Based Palliative Home Care of Chronic Debilitated Patients – A novice approach in Jodhpur”. 15-12-2021 31-12-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/666 Recruitment for the following post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “IMPETUStroke: IMPlementation of an Evaluation and Treatment Package for Uniform Stroke Care and outcomes in the Medical Colleges in India: An Implementation Research Study”. 11-12-2021 03-01-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/468 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Extramural Research Project titled “Assessment of urinary carcinogens level and urine cytology among industry and non-industry workers in Jodhpur”. 10-12-2021 27-12-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/618 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Women's Health and Domestic Violence against women during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: A Cross-Sectional Study”. 06-12-2021 30-12-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/133 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Capacity Building and Strengthening of Hospital Infection Control to Detect and Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in India”. 06-12-2021 14-01-2022 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/395 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An Observation study of prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant Indian females and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus”. 06-12-2021 21-12-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/617 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Establishment of a Consortium for One Health to address Zoonotic and Transboundary Diseases in India, including the Northeast Region”. 27-11-2021 07-12-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/579 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Community Behavior and its determinants in relation to Malaria prevention and control in Rajasthan”. 17-11-2021 07-12-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(05)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 16-11-2021 29-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/649 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Bloomberg Initiative to Control Tobacco Use Grants Program through The Union, Funded Research Project, titled "Mapping the entire bidi trade in the seven largest bidi producing states, and identify gaps in legal and illicit bidi manufacture". 13-11-2021 20-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/538 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Pharmacogenomic, Biochemical, Epigenetic and population pharmacokinetic study in TB patients-Multicentric Study”. 11-11-2021 25-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/609 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Myocardial performance determination through non-contact ballistocardiology”. 10-11-2021 20-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/129 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis under extramural research project titled “Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Surveillance in India”. 10-11-2021 16-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/468 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Extramural Research Project titled “Assessment of urinary carcinogens level and urine cytology among industry and non-industry workers in Jodhpur”. 27-10-2021 17-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/554 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Research Study on Patient Blood Management in Rajasthan state and its Impact on Health Economics”. 22-10-2021 15-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/579 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Community Behavior and its determinants in relation to Malaria prevention and control in Rajasthan”. 22-10-2021 12-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 21-10-2021 01-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/569 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Perioperative respiratory care and outcome for patients undergoing high risk abdominal surgery (PENgUIN Trial)”. 21-10-2021 01-11-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 14-10-2021 25-10-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/649 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Bloomberg Initiative to Control Tobacco Use Grants Program through The Union, Funded Research Project, titled "Mapping the entire bidi trade in the seven largest bidi producing states, and identify gaps in legal and illicit bidi manufacture". 01-10-2021 23-10-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/493 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Integrated Community Based Palliative Home Care of Chronic Debilitated Patients – A novice approach in Jodhpur”. 30-09-2021 26-10-2021 Wait-List
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/538 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Pharmacogenomic, Biochemical, Epigenetic and population pharmacokinetic study in TB patients-Multicentric Study”. 29-09-2021 20-10-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/373 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Emerging drug resistance of in community acquired urinary tract infection and molecular insights into dynamics of resistance traits in Indian isolates - A multi-centric cross-sectional study”. 28-09-2021 21-10-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/635 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Development and Validation of an Indian instrument to assess severity of substance related problems”. 06-09-2021 30-09-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/632 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Satellite Centre for Tribal Health and Research (STHR)”. 03-09-2021 21-09-2021 Result 2
Result 1
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/367 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “GenomeIndia: Cataloguing the genetic variations in Indians”. 17-08-2021 31-08-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/129 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis at “Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Surveillance in India” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 17-08-2021 31-08-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/468 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Extramural Research Project titled “Assessment of urinary carcinogens level and urine cytology among industry and non-industry workers in Jodhpur”. 03-08-2021 18-08-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/129 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis at “Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Surveillance in India” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 10-07-2021 24-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/133 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Capacity Building and Strengthening of Hospital Infection Control to Detect and Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in India”. 09-07-2021 30-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/609 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Myocardial performance determination through non-contact ballistocardiology”. 09-07-2021 26-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/130 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Hospital based sentinel surveillance for S.pneumoniae and other invasive bacterial disease in India – Phase-II” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 09-07-2021 24-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 09-07-2021 24-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(05)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 28-06-2021 15-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/622 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Telemedicine use to improve access, cost, quality of primary and secondary care of tribal people of Abu Road Tehsil of District Sirohi, Rajasthan: A Hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation study”. 28-06-2021 06-07-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(05)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 03-06-2021 17-06-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/505 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Iron Status in Healthy Term Breastfed Infants in Early Infancy: A Prospective Cohort Study”. 03-06-2021 17-06-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/395 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “An Observation study of prevalence of vitamin D deficincy in pregnant Indian females and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus”. 25-05-2021 24-06-2021 2nd Wait-Listed Candidate
Wait-Listed Candidate
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(04)/2017/251 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur Regional Center for Antimicrobial Surveillance Network”. 24-05-2021 23-06-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/467 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR Advanced Medical Oncology Diagnostic Services (DIAMONDS) under HTAIn, Pilot Research Project”. 21-05-2021 04-06-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/390 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Burden of multidrug-resistant neonatal sepsis in hospital settings in India”(“Study”)”. 20-05-2021 04-06-2021 2nd Wait-List
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/133 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Capacity Building and Strengthening of Hospital Infection Control to Detect and Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in India”. 26-04-2021 25-05-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/470 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Setting up of registry and targeted exome sequencing in childern with renal tubular disorders”. 26-04-2021 25-05-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/575 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “WHF Covid-19 and Cardiovascular Disease Survey”. 23-04-2021 30-04-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(05)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 20-04-2021 05-05-2021 Corrigendum
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/467 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “DHR-ICMR Advanced Medical Oncology Diagnostic Services (DIAMONDS) under HTAIn, Pilot Research Project”. 10-04-2021 25-04-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/530 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the national health mission (NHM) policy of mainstreaming and co-locating AYUSH within Primary Health Care”. 26-03-2021 25-04-2021 Notice
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/552 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Effect of 'Kriya Yoga' on brain oscillations and perceived stress in health care providers, during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study”. 26-03-2021 25-04-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(08)/2021/601 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the extramural DST, SATYAM Research project titled “Effect of yoga on autonomic function pulmonary function and stress in healthcare workers due to COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with inflammatory andoxidative stress markers”. 26-03-2021 10-04-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/421 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Evaluation of a health system based intervention on change in thrombolysis rate in ST segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) acute coronary syndrome (ACS) across selected districts of the country-A health implementation research project (ICMR-STEMI-ACT)”. 23-03-2021 22-04-2021 Wait-Listed Candidates
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/556 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “National Clinical Registry for COVID-19 India”. 16-03-2021 24-03-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/469 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Expansion of Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMSP) and Infection Control Program (ICP) of ICMR in secondary care hospital”. 12-03-2021 11-04-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(04)/2017/251 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur Regional Center for Antimicrobial Surveillance Network”. 11-03-2021 10-04-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(5)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following posts on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 11-03-2021 10-04-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(03)/2016/133 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Capacity Building and Strengthening of Hospital Infection Control to Detect and Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in India”. 19-02-2021 18-03-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/549 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Seroepidemiology, Maternal Immune Status and Missed Diagnosis of Pertussis among Young Infants in India: A Multicentric study”. 18-02-2021 17-03-2021 Result Waitlist
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/367 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Genome India: Cataloguing the genetic variations in Indians”. 08-02-2021 07-03-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/383 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the DBT Research Project titled “Establishment of DBT NIDAN Kendra at AIIMS Jodhpur for Genetic Disorders in Rajasthan”. 02-02-2021 01-03-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/559 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Database creation for computational predictive analysis of treatment response assessment in Esophageal cancer patients in India”. 23-01-2021 06-02-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/505 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Iron Status in Healthy Term Breastfed Infants in Early Infancy: A Prospective Cohort Study”. 22-01-2021 21-02-2021 Waitlist-2 Result
Waitlist Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/518 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Genetic Predisposition to methylglyoxal (MGO) toxicity and its association with targeted metabolites and glyco-oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy”. 11-01-2021 30-01-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/569 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Perioperative respiratory care and outcome for patients undergoing high risk abdominal surgery (PENgUIN Trial)”. 11-01-2021 21-01-2021 Wait-Listed Candidate
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment”. 04-01-2021 31-01-2021 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/376 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Research Project titled “Stimulating Medical Students interest in Medical Genetics: Randomized Controlled trail of an Innovative Educational Intervention”. 09-12-2020 27-01-2021 Result
Shortlisted Candidate
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/556 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “National Clinical Registry for COVID-19 India”. 27-11-2020 02-12-2020 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/559 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Database creation for computational predictive analysis of treatment response assessment in Esophageal cancer patients in India”. 25-11-2020 15-12-2020 Notice
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/367 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Genome India: Cataloguing the genetic variations in Indians”. 10-11-2020 30-11-2020 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/469 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Expansion of Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMSP) and Infection Control Program (ICP) of ICMR in secondary care hospital”. 09-11-2020 20-11-2020 Notice
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/556 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “National Clinical Registry for COVID-19 India”. 27-10-2020 01-11-2020 Waitlist Result 2 Waitlist Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(05)/2018/328 Recruitment for the following post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “Regional Level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory at AIIMS, Jodhpur”. 05-09-2020 25-09-2020 Wait-Listed Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/469 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Expansion of Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMSP) and Infection Control Program (ICP) of ICMR in secondary care hospital”. 16-10-2020 25-10-2020 Notice
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/420 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis at “Resource Centre/Hub under Health Technology Assessment” for conducting Health Technology Assessment. 14-10-2020 10-11-2020 Result
Shortlisted Candidates
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(06)/2019/383 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the DBT Research Project titled “Establishment of DBT NIDAN Kendra at AIIMS Jodhpur for Genetic Disorders in Rajasthan”. 30-09-2020 20-10-2020 Notification
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/469 Recruitment for the following post on purely temporary basis in the ICMR Research Project titled “Expansion of Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMSP) and Infection Control Program (ICP) of ICMR in secondary care hospital”. 30-09-2020 10-10-2020 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/556 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “National Clinical Registry for COVID-19 India”. 23-09-2020 30-09-2020 Result
Advertisement No: AIIMS/RES(07)/2020/556 Recruitment for the following posts on purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “National Clinical Registry for COVID-19 India”. 10-09-2020 16-09-2020 Result
List of Short Listed Candidate